Manage/Secure static sites

We will build static websites from your favorites static site generator and maintain and updates your content with very reasonable rates for a long term.

Jekyll Deployment

If you have Jekyll websites and want to deploy it from GitHub pages to your own private web server then we can setup Jekyll deployment environment and move Jekyll web server.

PSD to Jekyll conversion

If you have PSD or sketch design of your proposed new website then contact us for conversion. Jekyll experts will help in to pixel perfect PSD to Jekyll Website conversion.

WordPress to Jekyll Website

Jekyll developer will take care of your existing websites and their permalink and convert in to Jekyll websites without loosing in SEO Reputation.

We Offer best Jekyll developers which can be hire on an hourly, part time and full-time contract basis. If you want to hire the best Jekyll developers for static websites, contact us with your requirements.

Many companies switching their business websites from WordPress to Jekyll after google introduce their page speed criteria in mind. Jekyll developers will build the best high speed static website from scratch which delivers the best speed.

Optimized speedy Jekyll websites helps in getting your desired keyword ranking easily and also it increase engagement of site visitors.

NextWebLogic offers Static Jekyll website development services which performs the best.

Jekyll experts will help in building Jekyll static sites from start to setting up your deployment production environment.

Now a days, many companies converted their online presence from WordPress and other technology-based websites to Jekyll.

Benefits of Jekyll website development

Jekyll development has many benefits for static websites.

  • Fast and secure

    Jekyll generates static HTML pages that are faster and more secure than dynamic pages that require server-side processing and database queries.

  • Easy to use.

    Jekyll is written in Ruby and uses Markdown or Textile and Liquid templates to create content and layouts.

    It also has a well-developed documentation and a broad support from GitHub.

  • Flexible and customizable

    Jekyll allows you to use any HTML, CSS, or JavaScript framework or library to design your website. 

    It also supports plugins and themes to extend its functionality and appearance.

  • Portable and scalable

    Jekyll websites can be hosted anywhere, from GitHub Pages to Amazon S3 buckets, without any special requirements.


    They can also handle high traffic and large content without compromising performance.

Why Jekyll Developers from Us?

  • Design and developed hundreds of static websites using Jekyll, Gatsby and Hugo static site generators.

  • Hired resource not only have Jekyll experience but he will be UI full stack developer and SEO expert which keeps all criteria of Search engine optimization and speed of websites.

  • Our main priority is to give our global clients a clean organized and beautiful website which are easy to maintain and get desired keywords ranking.

Why Choose Us

Why Working With Us?

Send your requirements and hire developers according to your need on monthly/Weekly contract basis for building enterprise solutions without investing on the infrastructure costs.

  • 46+ Happy Clients
  • 72+ Succesfull Projects
  • 7+ Team Members

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